Thursday, April 28, 2011

Daily Sun Op-ed: Governor premature in celebrating mural victory

In today's Portland Daily Sun:


Judge John Woodcock’s decision to deny a temporary restraining order in the Maine Labor History Mural case came as no surprise. Judge Woodcock noted during oral arguments that federal courts are reluctant to interfere in state affairs and that he was inclined “to allow the status quo to exist while a more ordered and thorough process is completed.”

Though Gov. LePage declared to a handful of his supporters that “We won,” his claim of victory is as premature as Pres. Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” speech in 2003, during which he declared victory in a war that rages on eight years later.

According to arts professional and activist Edgar Beem, “We won the moment the US DoL put in writing that LePage was out of order with the terms of the federal funding when he seized the mural. We won the moment Taylor stated publicly that LePage had not consulted her – as required by her business contract – when he seized the mural. The injunctions before Judge Woodcock are simply about the disposition of the mural and what happens next.”"

For the rest of the letter, see:

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